Nimbus Capture

ThisChromeextensionallowsyoutocapturethefullwebpagescreenoranypartofthesiteandeditthescreenshots,trimandcropscreencasts, ...,CaptureFULLpagescreenshots.Editandsavescreenshots.Recordscreencasts-recordvideofromyourscreen.Recordhow-toguides.,2019年1...。參考影片的文章的如下:



This Chrome extension allows you to capture the full web page screen or any part of the site and edit the screenshots, trim and crop screencasts, ...

Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder

Capture FULL page screenshots. Edit and save screenshots. Record screencasts - record video from your screen. Record how-to guides.

Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder

2019年10月16日 — Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder is a free utility browser extension that enables users to screen capture and video record an entire ...

Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder

It is sufficient to install the Google Chrome browser extension. Nimbus Capture is a reliable and simple-to-use screen recorder (screencast recorder, video ...

Nimbus Screenshot

How to record video from screen (screencasts only for Google Chrome) ... Nimbus Capture - Capture screenshots using Chrome Extension. FuseBase ...

Nimbus 網頁操作截圖與電腦教學錄影,只需一個Chrome 套件

2017年7月26日 — 除了一般的截取全畫面、區域範圍等截圖功能外,「 Nimbus Screen Capture 」也提供了「 Entire Page 」的網頁長截圖功能,只要點一下,就能自動捲動完整 ...


ThisChromeextensionallowsyoutocapturethefullwebpagescreenoranypartofthesiteandeditthescreenshots,trimandcropscreencasts, ...,CaptureFULLpagescreenshots.Editandsavescreenshots.Recordscreencasts-recordvideofromyourscreen.Recordhow-toguides.,2019年10月16日—NimbusScreenshot&ScreenVideoRecorderisafreeutilitybrowserextensionthatenablesuserstoscreencaptureandvideorecordanentire ...,Itissufficient...